Cafes Customs Front Engine Mount Spacer Kits for Dyna models & Motor Mount
*Now available for models with "Sputhe Stabilizers" on the front mount.
This spacer goes between the FXD frame and engine mount.
-Fits 1991 to 2017 model years
- CNC cut for a perfect fit (*Tech Tip_Rounded edge up)
-Lifts engine to help create more front exhaust header to frame clearance
-Helps compensate for front mount "Sag"
-Can also help with getting a proper rear brake pedal adjust. On some aftermarket exhaust systems, the rear header pipe can be very close to the rear brake pedal (Especially Further Forward Mid controls found on 2014/later FXDL &FXDLS models)
-Comes with CC-Grade 9 hardware kit
-Spacer is powder coated black for clean and durable finish
-Made in California
-Add a fresh front motor mount at checkout.
-Available option for models that use a " Sputhe Stabilizer " on their front engine mount.